Timber Sale Coordination
Whether it is a pine thinning, hardwood select harvest, or a final harvest, let FMS put our training and experience to work for you. We are familiar with local harvesting conditions, markets, and buyers, and can “level the playing field” when it comes to selling your timber. This knowledge has helped FMS to obtain prices up to three times what some landowners were able to obtain on their own. FMS is also familiar with state and federal regulations that could impact forestry operations on your property and has all of the current licenses and registrations to legally assist with your timber sale. In an effort to avoid the potential for conflict of interest, FMS does not buy standing timber nor do we materially participate in any company that buys timber. Instead, we will serve as your agent by coordinating your timber sale and subsequent reforestation efforts.
Timber Appraisals
Whether it is for the establishment of a tax basis, timber theft cases, purchase of property, or for estate planning purposes, FMS will appraise the value of your timber. By using professionally accepted sampling methods and current market prices, FMS can help you have a more accurate understanding of the financial value of your forest resources.
Forest Management Plan
FMS has a great deal of experience assisting landowners like you with meeting their multiple-use goals. We are familiar with current management techniques for timber production, wildlife habitat improvement, recreational opportunities, aesthetic enhancement, and real estate development. We are capable of making recommendations that will help you get the most from your forestland, both economically and environmentally!
Forest Management Coordination
FMS will use our professional training and experience to assist you with the coordination of your forest management activities. Our Registered Foresters will prepare professional prescriptions to encourage the proper implementation of forest management activities. Next our company will arrange for the prescribed activities with the selected vendors and prepare contracts which are written from your perspective. Finally, we will visit the site to check for contract compliance. All of these efforts greatly increase the likelihood that your objectives are met. Some of the services that we have coordinated in the past include: reforestation, chemical application, boundary line maintenance, prescribed burning, and road maintenance.
Other Services as Requested
Our company is a full-service forestry consulting firm, and we can customize our services to meet your needs. Some of the other services that we have provided for landowners in the past include: GIS mapping, drone surveillance, marking trees for thinning/protection, forest inventorying, forest investment analysis, diagnosis of forest pest problems, and many more.
We at Forest Management Specialists, Inc. provide four levels of service for our clients – Platinum, Gold, Sliver, and Bronze – based on how you choose to work with us. Below, we explain the different service levels and define the key benefits of each to help you decide the type relationship that best suits your needs.
Your best value from Forest Management Specialists, Inc. is our Care Program. When you enroll in this program, your needs become the highest priority for our company. You will receive 2 inspections/year of your property, one during the dormant season and one during the growing season. In addition, your requests for our services will receive top priority and our best discounts. Call FMS today for the inspection criteria and a quote for services.
Your next best value from our company is our Retainer Program. In this program, you will pay a nominal fee each year to have our personnel on standby. Your needs will receive top priority and we offer some discount on services for those enrolled in this program.
We value our repeat customers. Requests from landowners that we have worked with in the past receive a higher priority than those from first time customers. Landowners who are not enrolled in either our Care or Retainer Program have no written commitments to our company and pay no program fees. However, their requests for services are “worked in” around those participating in one of our preferred customer programs and they receive no discounts on our services.
We welcome those first or one time customers who come to our company for assistance. While we provide the same quality service as we do for all of our clients, these landowners receive no discounts on our services and we have to work them in as best we can.